The Power of Connection
Horses are relationship educators by nature. They live in the here-and-now without ruminating in the past or future. As prey animals, they rely on their relationships within the herd to stay safe. Their attentiveness to the present moment has the capacity to illuminate relational patterns in the humans they work with, providing opportunities for healing through the bond of connection. Because they communicate on a level below the cognitive, in the emotional and somatic (body) realms, therapeutic work with horses creates powerful opportunities for integrative healing and growth.
Equine Facilitated Wellness (EFW) is an experiential modality that can have a counselling or a learning focus, depending on the scope of the facilitator and the needs of the individual. By fostering safe relational experiences, EFW provides opportunities to enhance awareness and shift patterns.
Our Equine Facilitated Wellness program is designed for individuals looking to expand their equine knowledge base and explore their equestrian pursuits within the context of personal awareness and connected relationships. Sessions are highly customized, and structured based on the needs of the individual, as well as the needs of the horse that they are partnering with. The majority of our EFW sessions take place on the ground, though they may evolve to mounted lessons once a relationship built upon safety and trust has been formed. Over time, as the individual builds a relationship with the horse, the human may notice the development of their own instincts, increasing a feeling of safety and connection in themselves and with others.