Stable Roots Therapy cares about your treatment success!
There are several different types of Neurotherapy approaches. At Stable Roots, we use technology that can have a very gentle effect and also those that are far more aggressive. We will choose the approach that is best suited to your wellness goals.
No matter which Neurotherapy approach we use, there are some things that you can do afterwards that will be beneficial.
Drink plenty of water throughout the remainder of the day.
Be gentle with yourself. If you feel tired, try to allow time to rest.
Note if you have any adverse reactions to the session and report these to the therapist/technician at your next visit.
It is not uncommon to have a headache or feel tired after a session. These typically only last a few hours. If they last longer, please make note of that and report it to the therapist/technician at your next visit.

Written by: Kim Calder Stegemann
Kim (or Dr. Kim as some of her clients call her) is an educator, therapist, author, and researcher. She has spent her professional career helping others to make positive changes in their lives and feel better about themselves.
For more information about Kim, please visit: